Divorce and Child Custody
Marriage is sometimes tough. Divorce is tougher, and more expensive, especially when it is not done right from the start.
The attorneys at Ullenberg Law Offices SC understand Wisconsin’s divorce laws and how they impact the termination of your marriage and the continual support and custody of your children. We have represented husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, and even children in divorce proceedings.
We will take the time to walk you through the process, give you our frank advice about how things may ultimately shake down in your situation, and what the costs of it all may be. We will fight for your rights and your position, and we will be on your team.
In the past we have represented clients on matters like:
- Filing for divorce
- Responding to wife’s surprise petition for divorce
- Responding to husband’s petition for divorce
- Helping parties work out an amicable divorce settlement
- Helping spouse get temporary custody of children while divorce is pending
- Helping spouse stay in home while divorce is pending
- Helping get primary placement of children in divorce
- Helping mother get emergency placement of her child after the father’s drug problems jeopardize the child’s safety
- Changing primary placement of a child
- Helping work out an agreement for equal placement of a child
- Obtaining temporary orders from the Family Court after divorce is filed
- Litigating child custody and property distributions upon divorce when the parties cannot agree
- Helping find property the other spouse is hiding during the divorce proceedings
- Enforcing past-due maintenance (i.e. alimony) payments due from ex-spouse
- Obtaining domestic abuse restraining order during divorce proceedings
- Obtaining temporary restraining orders against violent spouse
What’s the first step?
Whether you need a lot of help – or a little – the first step is to contact us. Tell us what you’d like to accomplish, and we’ll explain the most effective and efficient ways to achieve your goals.